More artisans, less factories
In 25 years of artistic path, I have taken many direction, including mural painting, woodworking and sewing: skills handed down to me by my family and forefarher. A true treasure that I put into practice in the pursuit of my mission: to create an high quality alternative for those unsatisfied by ready made design and industrial standardization. Goods, made one by one, that carry within the essence of uniqueness: art.
My business model:
I mostly adopt a made-to-order approach. Overproduction is avoided, resources are used efficiently and waste is minimized. The materials are mindfully chosen, recycled or locally sourced.
The purchase is always an exchange, and in-real-world shopping has for me great value.
Whether you want a bespoke flat cap, a carved chessboard or a customized I-Pad case, it can be a social and sensorial experience: we can discuss ideas, take measures, touch fabrics, smell the wood...
Exactly like in my tattooing practice, I create with durability in mind: all my art stand the test of time.